Sunday, November 1, 2009


Kaitlyn: So this is pretty monumental I think . . . On Friday, October 30th, Josh and I closed on our first house!

Josh: I dont think it has fully sunk in... and it probably wont until we move in a couple of weeks. But signing all of those papers and getting those keys was unreal.

K: I was prepared to sign until my hand hurt because everybody had been warning me it would be that bad. But it wasn't really that bad! I mean, we signed a lot of papers but my hand was fine and I didn't feel like I signed away my first born child in there or anything like that. And you're right, I don't think it's fully sunk in yet.

J: Many of you have been following our progress on this purchase for awhile and know the difficulty we have had. But for those who haven't been getting frustrated phone calls every few evenings, it has been a struggle. We had offers on three houses before this one and the house was taken from under us on all three occasions. We found this house and it seemed perfect and exactly what we wanted but we refused to get our hopes up until we actually signed those papers. Friday we actually got the keys and they told us it was ours. We are so relieved/excited/exhausted.

K: I'm not gonna lie, I think the process has been more stressful for Josh than it has for me! That's not saying that I didn't make some frustrated phone calls somewhere in there too but Josh had to pretty much drag me into this whole process with the help of 2 major "interventions". The first one was at my parent's house and the 2nd one was at our teacher's workroom at school. I had been saying for awhile that I did not want to think about buying a house. In my head buying a house equaled "the end of all fun". I don't know why or how that idea got into my head, but it did! Sometimes, believe it or not, I can be a little dramatic and irrational, this was one of those times. It just seemed so permanent and so life-changing, not to mention budget-changing (and I love shopping!) It was like getting cold-feet before a wedding I guess except it was all about the house.

J: But then we started looking at houses and seeing all the different possibilities and realizing how much more space we could have you started getting pretty excited about it. Especially after we would come back to our soul-crushingly small apartment. I'm just so glad we got this done and that we're going to get $8,000 for it. Unreal.

K: That's the short version! It took a little bit more than that but I guess that's what we'll go with. If you want to know more, just let me know - I'll do a whole post about my journey to being ok with buying a house. Ooh, that sounds good! I bet it could be a TLC show! I bet our whole life could be a TLC show! They need a replacement show right?

J: Nope. So we're really happy about our purchase and so excited to get into it. We are going to wait two weeks before we move because of Kaitlyn's performance that is coming up this week. (Fools, Nov. 5 and 7 @7pm. Be there!) So it looks like Saturday, Nov. 14 is move-in day. We'll keep you updated with pictures and stories as I am sure you are all waiting with bated breath.

Finally, we actually closed on Friday with literally no sleep the night before. Our school had a lock-in and naturally we chaperoned. This made the whole thing even more surreal. K will have an entire post about the reasons surrounding the lock-in coming soon. Stay tuned.

K: It sounded like you just signed off but we haven't told them about the house yet! Our new address is 1025 New Providence Pass Madison, TN 37115! It's a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with hardwood floors in the living room and carpet in the bedrooms and tile in the kitchen! It came with all the appliances (stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher, fridge, washer and dryer!) and they are all brand new and black and nice! The master bedroom has trey ceilings and TWO walk in closets! We have a good backyard with no fence yet but that will definitely be the first thing on our agenda this summer! I promise we will have pictures up soon! It's pretty much the best house ever and we can't wait to move in! But first come see Fools, seriously! It's going to be funny! And I will write another post (maybe tonight!) about why we hadn't slept in like 27 hours when we signed the papers! Hint: it involves me being on TV!!!! :) Get pumped!

1 comment:

  1. Getting a house is so exciting! Congrats!!!!
    ps, I love reading your blog and how both of you write it- your personalities really shine through ;)
