Thursday, October 22, 2009

National "Chill Out" Week, 2009!

I really, sincerely want you to chill out. I've discovered that my tolerance for tension and confrontation is close to zero. I would much rather have a good conversation sharing funny stories from the previous week or talking about how stupid the BCS is than to actually talk about something that is relevant and important to everyone.

Unfortunately, this attitude is pretty weak-minded and generally wussy and doesn't do much for standing up for what you believe in... but I still dont like it. So here's the deal. I have an idea that I think will help alot of us... and especially me.

Though not unprecedented, I believe the political rhetoric in this country is at such a vitriolic level that hardly anything can even be discussed beneficially, let alone actually get something accomplished. I believe, as do many others, that the main reason for this is the 24-hour cable news stations and in particular the pundits that rail daily from their small, air-tight studios claiming to know deep truths about government, religion, society and everything else. We have got to chill out if we're going to have legitimate conversations about all of these important issues facing our country, our church and our world. These are conversations that are necessary and need immediate attention (despite my discomfort).

But do you think these pundits want anything to do with a national "chill out?" No freaking way... that's their whole deal, right? Everything that they are talking about has to be incredibly important and everyone who agrees with them is a "normal" American, Christian, human being, etc. And everyone who disagrees is a complete imbecile that most likely have racist, fascist, or satanic tendencies. This mentality isn't just stupid, it's toxic. It brings us farther away from truth and leads us towards blind acceptance, anger and hatred towards anyone who doesn't watch/listen to the same programs ... and that's lame.

So here's my idea. Let's all chill out... seriously. Let's intentionally stay away from 24 cable news networks, talk radio, politically aligned blogs or websites for one whole week. Just a week to see if this works. And I'm not just talking about one side of the argument here. Many of you reading this blog will know my political leanings but even if you dont, I'm going both sides here.

For the entire week of Nov. 1st - 7th, I'm not going to watch anything on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, or anywhere else with similar programming. I will not watch or listen to anything Beck, Limbaugh, Stewart, Olbermann, O'Reilly says nor anyone else with medium to influence public political opinion. And I was hoping you would join me...?

But let's not just be passive in this. Let's do something as we collectively fast from pre-packaged bias. This isn't a media blackout. As a matter of fact, during the week, be intentional about watching your local news, read your local news paper, the more local the better (but I'd still stay away from the opinion section). We can begin to better understand the needs and concerns of the people in our communities. But lets not stop there. Our week of freedom from mass media punditry should be used talk to each other.

We have let these masters of the airwaves tell us how we should think, talk and act and often we are more than willing to follow. But the pundits don't stop there... they also tell us what the other guys thinks- and how stupid and racist and fascist they are because of those thoughts.

Instead of believing that nonsense, we could make it a point talk to someone who you know has a politically opposite point of view. It should be a week filled with calm, cool and reasonable discussion. But in these conversations, be intentional about listening to what they think and why they have that point of view. Dont go into it ready to disprove them or trying to create an argument. Instead, listen to what they say and ask them if they would be willing to listen to your point of view.

What if we had a ton of people do this next week? What if we turned off the tv and radio and stopped reading our blogs for a few days and just talked to each other? Would it help the national health care debate? Inspire widespread activism? Spur millions of fist fights? Maybe... but at least we'd get to hang out with each other and actually talk about stuff that matters.

Let's just try it. Lets all just chill out. For one week. Nov. 1-7 is National Chill Out Week. Spread the word...


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