Sunday, October 11, 2009

So ... a blog?

Josh: You're starting a blog? Don't you always judge people who have blogs?

Kaitlyn: No I don't!! I love reading everybody's blogs, I just always worry that people wouldn't really want to read what I would put in a blog.

J: Yeah... are you going to start blogging about cool weekend getaways you go on or new shoes you buy or awesome new cupcake recipes or something? because then no one would care...

K: That's not true ... I think my mom would care and my grandma definitely would. So yea maybe I will blog about new shoes and awesome weekends... probably not cupcakes though cause I don't cook. I could blog about Amanda's or Dana's cupcakes! :) But I want to blog about other stuff too. Like how there was a March for Equality on the National Mall today. I wish I could've been there but I wasn't so I want to write about it. Does that make sense?

J: So, new shoes and equality marches... I could get behind that... what else?

K: That's where you come in ...

J: Are you going to blog about me?

K: Nope! You're going to blog too! It's should be our blog. Cause I think you are a good writer. And I know you have things you could write about. And then it would change it up so people wouldn't have to read about me or what I write the whole time ... variety is good!

J: I'm a great writer... but I refuse to be a part of something lame or girlie. Like that picture up there... that seems lame... and its not going to be "Kaitlyn's blog with Kaitlyn's husband sometimes" is it? Will I get title recognition?

K: Ok whoa. First of all, if you want a better picture then maybe you should buy a better camera and take more pictures with me. And yes you will get recognition beyond "Kaitlyn's husband". It will be our blog- for both of us. Which means I promise not to pick a really girly theme or decorations or anything like that. And I think it will be awesome. We'll talk about all the things that we usually talk about with just each other except now we'll just start sending it out into the wide world of the internets. Like for example, awesome sports posts, movie, music and tv review type things, we can tell awesome stories about things that happen in our classroom and just in our life (like how a baby kitty got stuck in my Mustang today ... more on that later), and then also some "deeper posts" about faith and politics would be cool too I think.

J: Ohhh yeahhhhh that little cat was freaking outtttttt..... I get it... we have awesome conversations all the time and now the world will get to hear how awesome they are. I'm down... but you said politics in there... we always freak out about people finding out about our crazy liberal leanings... you're ready to put that out there?

K: Yea they're not leanings, hon, we're straight up liberals. And I guess hopefully people will still love us... and if they don't like it they don't have to read it?? maybe?

J: Haha... alright. Is it going to be super intense all the time?

K: No I don't think so! We'll throw in the funny/awesome with the intense/awesome and it will hopefully just be all around awesome! Or I guess at least tolerable? I don't know, I guess if nothing else it will just kind of be an outlet for our random musings and creativity and jumbled thoughts and stories. That kind of outlet is always important.

J: "That kind of outlet is always important"... nerd alert... but alright, I like the fact that it's going to be awesome...

K: Definitely, so all that's left is a name .....

J: Oh man... this seems like something that we'll spend way too much time worrying about and taking a long time deciding

K: Yup. hmmm. maybe we should take suggestions?

J: Great plan.

K: Welcome to our blog, guys! Title suggestions?

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